The Train Goes Full Steam Ahead at Auction!
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The train hurtles by in paintings, photographs, posters and objects, captured by artists in thrall to its modernity and fleetingness. All aboard the Orient-Express, the Train Bleu and the Golden Arrow! Natalia Goncharova (1881-1962), The Railway Station, Moscow, oil on canvas, c. 1913-1914, 97.5 x 156 cm/38.4 x 61.4 in (detail). Paris, Hôtel Drouot, June 21, 2022. Kohn Marc-Arthur auction house.Result: €963,000 There was a time—unknown to the under-20s and, it seems, the players of Paris Saint Germain—when the train embodied both incredible modernity and the fastest means of locomotion. It didn't take long for artists to seize upon its many qualities,