The Directory of Art Market Players Under the Occupation is a New Digital Tool for Researchers
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The Franco-German research program that focuses on the art market networks in Vichy France was established under the direction of Inès Rotermund-Reynard and Elisabeth Futwängler. It is now available online at the INHA website. Thomas Couture (1815–1879), Portrait de jeune femme assise (Portrait of a Young Seated Woman), c. 1850, oil on canvas. Source: Mick Vincenz © Kunstmuseum Bern u. Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH On December 3, the Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), a French institution of higher learning and research, launched the "Répertoire des acteurs du marché de l'art sous l'Occupation, 1940 à 1945" (RAMA) on its data platform. Inès Rotermund-Reynard, with Elisabeth