BRAFA: More Appealing Than Ever
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For its 67th edition, BRAFA is leaving Tour & Taxis for Brussels Expo, while maintaining its highly successful eclectic, across-the-board approach. Pieter Bruegel the Younger (1564-1636), Kermesse of Saint George with the Dance Around the Maypole, 54.6 x 75.7 cm/21.5 x 29.8 in (detail). De Jonckheere Gallery. In June 2022, Brussels is the place to be, especially at BRAFA! The reputation of the fair created in 1956 has grown so impressively in the last decade that it is now a must. One telling indication, beyond the unanimously rosy opinions of professionals, is that although BRAFA’s dates overlap with those of TEFAF in Maastricht (June