2018, Press Feature, Decorating the Gentleman Cave, Wall Street Journal

George Glazer Gallery
Published on

Wall Street Journal
“The Gentleman Cave: How to Create a Tastefully Macho Room”
By Tim Gavan
June 1, 2018

The weekend Real Estate/Design section of the Wall Street Journal featured Australian interior designer Greg Natale’s take on designing a gentleman’s “man cave.” Inspired by a 1970s collaboration between Spanish designer Paco Muñoz (1925-2009) and English designer David Hicks, Natale offers his suggestions on where to shop for similar items. For the floor globe, he suggests the George Glazer Gallery:If you’re looking to toss something with the guys that’s a little more substantial than a baseball, why not the world? A massive walnut globe—from the 18th or 19th century—is likely too large for a game of catch, but it’s a distinguished, bookish addition well-placed by the antique walnut desk and approximately echoing the octagons in the carpet. A similarly stately globe: Baroque Terrestrial 30-Inch Diameter Floor Globe, price upon request, georgeglazer.com.

A few screenshots of the article are posted here; the rest is on Wall Street Journal web site.

See also more “gentleman’s cave” decorating suggestions on our site.

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