NY Elizabeth’s upcoming early December handbag sale features 140 Dolce & Gabbana bags. Founded in 1985, the Italian luxury fashion house produces ready-to-wear clothes in addition to its handbags, accessories, and eyewear. Among the leading lots is a black and gold shoulder purse. Featuring a black velvet base, the bag is covered in crystals and gold charms. It includes a 60-inch gold chain strap. Another notable purse in the sale is a red fur brocade and crystal Vanda model bag. The piece features gold hardware and various charms along the 87-inch strap
A wide variety of styles and materials are represented in this auction. Bidders can consider a black leather and raffia bag with a puffy, “pebbled” effect. Native to tropical regions of Africa, raffia fibers are used in mats, baskets, attire, footwear, and more. In the available bag, the raffia fibers have been twisted into small pom-poms, which together form a striped pattern in cream, brown, and black. Another handbag that utilizes raffia fibers is a Dolce & Gabbana Vanda Carretto purse. This example features woven raffia fibers, a leather strap, and colorful hardware. Visit Bidsquare to browse the full 2347 | Dolce & Gabbana Handbag Collection catalog and find other online auctions.
# of Lots:
140Price Range:
$1,500 - $15,000Interesting lots include:
Item Image | Item Name | Estimate |
Black Gold Charm Crystal Shoulder Vanda Velvet Purse | Estimate: | |
Red Fur Brocade Crystal Shoulder Women Vanda Purse | Estimate: | |
Multicolor Crystal Shoulder Silk Leather Vanda Purse | Estimate: | |
Black Sara Raffia Leather Shoulder Pebbled Frame Bag Black | Estimate: | |
Black Raffia Leather Borse Vanda Carretto Purse | Estimate: | |
Dolce & Gabbana, Vanda Handbag | Estimate: |
Contact Info
NY Elizabeth
- 8950 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 126, Beverly Hills, California 90211
- 310-402-2450
- [email protected]
- https://nyelizabeth.com/
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