The Art of Dom Robert in Four Tapestries
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A group of tapestries with amazingly fresh colors opens the door to the wonderful world of the cartoon artist, then at the peak of his powers. Guy de Chaunac-Lanzac, known as Dom Robert (1907–1997), cartoon, and Suzanne Goubely’s workshop at Aubusson, Plein Champ (Full Field), 1970, low-warp wool tapestry, justified weave, artist’s proof, early 1970s, 260 x 440 cm/102.36 x 173.22 in (detail).Estimate: €60,000/80,000 Chance had nothing to do with it: how could a biologist resist the captivating world woven by Dom Robert (1907-1997)? He bought these four low-warp tapestries in the 1970s after the monk’s return from England, where he had fled to escape the commotion