Star Wars Rare Toys Auction to Include Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi Figures

“May the Force be with you” — a famous catchphrase recognized even by those who are not fans of the movie that conceived it. That’s the kind of popularity the Star Wars universe has earned for itself. Few others enjoy the same reach as the Star Wars franchise. With gripping storylines, memorable characters, and valuable merchandising, the Star Wars universe has acquired a fandom that crosses generations and a vast demographic range.
Noticing the franchise’s massive potential, Disney purchased Star Wars from Lucasfilm Ltd. for a whopping USD 4.05 billion in 2012. Disney’s marketing plans and extensive merchandising helped expand the franchise to the fullest. After the release of 12 movies since the first film in 1978, Star Wars has generated more than $10 billion in box office revenue, not to mention the billions that franchise deals and merchandise rake in every year.
In its upcoming event, Simmons Auction House will present an online sale of Star Wars toys and original action figures. The catalog features a few graded and some rare pieces from the period of 1977 to 1985. From Yoda, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader to human bounty hunter Boba Fett, Ewok, and stormtroopers, the collection comprises a variety of Star Wars character toys and figurines.

Even though Boba Fett’s appearance in the original films was rare, this Star Wars character gained considerable popularity in the collector’s market before his live-action debut in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. A Boba Fett 3.75-inch toy is available in the upcoming Simmons Auction House event. Armored with a Mandalorian suit and gun, the figure has an estimate of $5 to $1,000. A Boba Fett action figure set the world auction record for Star Wars toys in 2019. Hake’s Auctions sold the Boba Fett J-slot rocket-firing prototype for $185,850 during an online sale.

Another iconic character from the franchise is Ben Kenobi. The legendary Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi from the prequel and original trilogies served as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan changed his name to Ben when he went into hiding after the wars. Obi-Wan figures holding a lightsaber do not appear as frequently in the market as other Star Wars characters. The upcoming auction will offer an Obi-Wan Kenobi 3.75-inch toy for bidding. The available Jedi master figure appears to hold the hilt of a lightsaber from which the energy light emits.

Seven cards featuring characters from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi are also available in the upcoming auction. Star Wars cards in good condition can fetch hundreds of dollars. A huge 30-inch stormtrooper and a large Chewbacca figure are featured as well.
Fans of the Star Wars universe now have a chance to own pieces from a collection of more than 140 original toys and action figures. All items have estimates ranging between $5 and $1,000. This Simmons Auction House sale takes place on Sunday, November 28th, 2021 at 4:00 PM EST. Visit LiveAuctioneers to learn more and register to bid.
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