Lot Categories:

Pop Culture (866)

# of Lots:


Price Range:

$50 - $500,000

Interesting lots include:

Item Image Item Name Estimate
Masters Of The Universe (1987) - Eternian Soldier Rifle Estimate: $400 - $600 Starting Bid:$200
Ghostbusters 2 (1989) - Pair Of Ghostbusters Balloons Estimate: $500 - $700 Starting Bid:$250
Santa Clause 2, The (2002) - Pair Of Reindeer Heads With Antlers Estimate: $400 - $600 Starting Bid:$200
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) - Axeman's Leather Apron Estimate: $500 - $700 Starting Bid:$250
Trick (2019) - Haunted House Clown Costume Estimate: $500 - $700 Starting Bid: $250