Creighton-Davis Gallery
1440 Grand Ave. Ste. A, San Marcos, California 92078
About Auction House
Creighton-Davis Gallery is currently located in San Marcos, California. We receive, research, catalog and photograph fine works of art in this facility and in other satellite locations when appropriate. Creighton-Davis operates primarily as a auction gallery, liquidating estates, dealer overstocks, collections and other fine works of art from a variety of sources. Creighton-Davis acquires art from estates, private collections, museums, and other secondary sources and is always looking to purchase fine individual works or distinctive collections. Among the artists whose works are frequently ava...Read More
ilable are Rembrandt, Durer, Corot, Renoir, Picasso, Matisse, Braque, Miro, Chagall, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rouault, Magritte, Marsh, Bearden, Motherwell, Warhol, Stella, Lichtenstein, Dine, Hockney, Clemente, Dubuffet, and Chia, and probably well over 100 other artists.Read Less
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