Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species. First Edition / Letter Addressed to Dr. Ogle and Envelope Signed by Charles Darwin. Pieces: 3.
Starting: $231,362
Folded sheet. Diagram of Descendance. First Edition. Seal of the Library Collection of Mr. Lorenzo Zambrano.
Original binding by “Edmonds and Remnants” (spine variant A). Covers and spine are slightly worn; hardcover bound in cloth; in case, “V.R. Stoakley Cambridge”.
Garrison – Morton: 22.; Grolier/Horblit: 23b. Norman: 593. Printing and the Mind of Man: 344b.
“This, without a doubt, is the most important Biology book ever written.” Seen in: Morse Peckham’s Variorum Edition”, 1959.
Charles Darwin began writing this book on July 20th, 1858, while on holiday in Sandown, on the Isle of Wight. Darwin originally planned it as a 30-page project in order to publish it in the “Journal of the Linnean Society”. However, by winter it was evident that 30 pages wouldn’t be enough, and they’d have to be published in book form.
Darwin presented it to John Murray, who accepted it in April 1859 after reviewing the first three chapters. By September, it was completely corrected with the exception of the index. In early November, Darwin received a copy, after which, courtesy copies were sent out both locally and internationally. Only 23 courtesy copies were registered, and possibly there are more in existence than the 12 known ones. All were written by employees of John Murray, none by Darwin himself.
“On the Origin of the Species” was published for the first time on November 24th, 1859, with a limited printing of only 1250 copies, all of which sold out that same day. Darwin’s book is considered to be one of the most important books written in history; both science and religion were directly influenced by Darwin’s theories, even creating new vocabulary terms such as “Darwinism”.
Source: “The Works of Charles Darwin: An Annotated Bibliographical Handlist. Segunda edición revisada y aumentada. Freeman, Richard Broke. Dawson: Archon Books. 1977.
b) Letter Adressed to Dr. William Ogle.
“Dear Dr. Ogle many thanks for your translation of Kerner which arrived while I was away from Down for a day or two. I shall be very glad to read it again in a Christian language, I have not yet had time to look at it as Frank was using it…”.
Written by Emma Darwin and signed by Charles Darwin. Dated “Dec 2 / 78″ written in pencil on the upper left-hand side, slightly erased. 7.2 x 4.4″ (18.3 x 11.3 cm).
– Includes: Envelope, 2.9 x 5.2” (7.6 x 13.3 cm). Addressed to Dr. Ogle. Signed by Charles Darwin on the lower left-hand side.
Pieces: 2.
Total Number of Pieces: 3.