SAJ Auction
15 West 47th Street, Suite 303, New York 10036
About Auction House
As a fourth generation jewelry dealers, we have helped numerous clients sell their jewelry collections to buyers and collectors.When the jewelries are outside our dealing, we helped the clients to sell through auction houses to get the highest prices at the auction.However, many times with the listing and selling fees and hidden fees such photography fees, catalog fees, insurance fee, marketing fees, etc. sellers ended up with a fraction of the selling price.So we started our own auction houses in 2012. Leveraging online auction systems, we offer absolutely no fees to the sellers if the item ...Read More
doesn't sell. If items sells, we take the minimal percentage fees.When you consign with us, your jewelry will get a global marketing exposure to over 41 countries and millions of buyers, collectors, and dealers to ensure the highest amount for your piece as the current market can offer.Our online auction events benefits not just the sellers; even buyers can benefit from us using the convenient online system buyers from all over the world can easily register and make bids via phone, absentee bidding, or online bidding with the lowest commission level.Read Less
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