Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen
Theresienstraße 60, Munich, Germany D-80333
+49 89-273702125
About Auction House
Since its foundation in 1998, Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH presents Applied Art, Design and Modern Art from the period 1880 to the present. The history of the art shop dates back to 1956, when Ellen Piper Quittenbaum, the mother of today's managing director Askan Quittenbaum, opened a gallery for African art in Düsseldorf. In 1968 she founded a gallery for jewelry, Art Nouveau glass and antiques in Hamburg. Askan Quittenbaum entered the business in 1992, and together they led the gallery Quittenbaum in Hamburg-Blankenese, focussing on Art Déco, design and Murano glass. In 1998, the compan...Read More
y headquarters moved to Munich, and the first Art Nouveau auction was held on May 11, 1998.Read Less
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Art World