House Maple Odo 202, 5-6-1 Odo, Nishi ku, Fukuoka shi, Fukuoka ken, Japan 819-0001
+81 92-407-9616
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Are you looking for the most unique, vintage Chanel, Louis Vuitton or Hermes handbags? Or how about stunning accessories by Cartier, LV, Gucci and many more? Then fmasarovic, based in Japan, has just what you desire. We are a professional reseller of authentic pre-owned luxury handbags and accessories. Since 2007, we have been selling our quality items online to customers worldwide. We have loyal clients in over 50 countries. Our goal is to make your shopping more personal, safe, easy and fun, so don’t hesitate to contact us. Free worldwide shipping, always.Auction Previews & News
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