California Historical Design
(510) 647-3621
About Auction House
We specialize in vintage Stickley Mission Oak Arts & Crafts furniture, art pottery, copper and California paintings. Furniture by Gustav Stickley, L&JG Stickley, Stickley Brothers, Roycroft, Limbert, Lifetime, Shop of the Crafters, Harden, Michigan Chair Co, Globe-Wernicke and many others. Art pottery by Roseville, Weller, Gladding McBean, Catalina, Van Briggle, Clifton, Robertson, Jalan, California Faience, Peters & Reed, Stockton, Rookwood, Pacific, Marblehead, Bauer, Niloak & McCoy. Hammered metalwork by Roycroft, Dirk van Erp, Harry Dixon, Novick, Liberty & Co, Jauchens...Read More
, Old Mission Kopperkraft, Ernest Burnley, Armin Hairenian, Benedict, Kalo, Randall, Mills & Burnley, The Copper Shop, Fred Brosi, Stickley Brothers, Nekrasoff, Craftsman Studios and TiffanyRead Less
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