Basel Auction House

8847 SW 132nd Street, Miami, Florida 33176

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2 Results
  • Auction Preview
    Noteworthy Paintings by Amelia Peláez and Sculpture by Richard Orlinski Highlight Basel Auction House’s Upcoming Sale

    Amelia Peláez del Casal was a notable painter of the avant-garde generation. The Cuban artist was well known for her signature Cubist compositions. She explored Baroque architecture with unconstrained black lines outlining intense color areas. A framed oil on canvas painting by Peláez, titled Vitral Con Frutas, is a key highlight of this upcoming sale from Basel Auction House. It depicts a vivid illustration of fruits placed in the foreground and a stained-glass window in the backdrop. The inspiration for Peláez’s works came from her mother's house, where she resided after her return from Havana. The interiors were a combination of neoclassical design and traditional Cuban Creole fashion. Another key work in the upcoming auction is an acrylic on canvas by Steve Penley. Hand signed at bottom right, the painting is noteworthy for its distinct strokes, vibrant hues, and iconic American imagery. Crocodile, an aluminum sculpture by French sculptor and visual neo-Pop artist Richard Orlinski, also leads the catalog. Orlinski’s monochromatic diamond-cut sculptures of wildlife signify the duality of the animal and human worlds. To view the complete catalog and register to bid in the upcoming May Fine Art, Paintings, Furniture & Objects of Art sale, visit Bidsquare and browse other online auctions.