Privacy Policy

This page will inform you of Auction Daily’s privacy policies. In particular, it will detail how Auction Daily handles the personal data of its registered users. This privacy policy does not cover data provided to Auction Daily from any other source.

The data you provide Auction Daily is for your benefit. By registering with Auction Daily, you accept the terms and conditions in this policy.

Definitions in Regards to Auction Daily’s Privacy Policies:

  • User: The registered individual on Auction Daily who shares their personal data and benefits from Auction Daily’s services.
  • Personal Data: The data of Auction Daily’s registered users. Users have access to our services after accepting the terms and conditions of the website.
  • Usage Data: The data that is collected from users regarding their use of the website. An example is the number of times they visit the website.
  • Cookies: The small files that are saved on your devices while you are online.
  • Data Controller: The legal individual who determines the use of personal and other types of data. Here, Auction Daily is the data controller of your personal data.
  • Service Providers: The legal individual who handles and processes the data collected from the users on behalf of the data controller. The service provider in this circumstance is Auction Daily. We also use other third-party service providers to process the collected data more efficiently.

We collect various types of data and information from our users in order to provide better quality services.

Types of Data Included in Personal Data

The data we collect from our registered users is termed “personal data”. It is meant to identify you, so the seller can contact you directly when you make a purchase. We do not share information with any other organization except the seller you chose to purchase from.

Some of the information we collect under the category of personal data are as follows:

  • Name of the User
  • His/Her Email ID and Contact Number
  • Full Address (Including the Postal Code)
  • Usage Data and Cookies

In addition to the above-mentioned data, we also collect data regarding your credit card. Auction Daily does not store the details of your credit card.

Purpose of Collecting Personal Data

We use collected personal data to send you promotional materials, newsletters, and other information regarding our website that may interest or benefit you. You are free to opt out of receiving this information by sending us an email or by using the unsubscribe link that is provided within each email.

You can also choose not to enter your email id in the account to prevent third parties from sending you promotional content. If you choose to not enter your email id, you may not be able to make a proper purchase from any seller on Auction Daily.

Your information regarding personal data shall be sent to auction houses or dealers who are registered with Auction Daily so they can identify you during the bidding process.

Usage Data

Auction Daily collects usage data which includes:

  • Computer IP Addresses of the Users
  • Browser Version
  • Browser Type
  • The Pages of Auction Daily’s Website You Visit
  • Time and Date of Your Visit on Auction Daily
  • The Time You Spent on Every Web Page of our Website
  • Other Diagnostic Data


Auction Daily uses cookies to track the activities on our website. We collect information from these cookies. The cookies may consist of an anonymous unique identifier.

Files are sent to your browser and saved on your device. We also use other tracking software such as tags, scripts, and beacons for collection and tracking of the required information to provide high-quality services to our customers.

You are free to change the settings of your browser to prevent sending cookies. However, you will not be able to enjoy certain sections of our website or use some of our services.

Cookies We Use:

  • Session Cookies: For knowing about sessions
  • Preference Cookies: To remember your preferences
  • Security Cookies: For protection purpose

Why Does Auction Daily Collect information?

  • To Provide High-Quality Services to our Users
  • To Be Alerted to Any Change On Our Website
  • To Send Promotional Content Through Email
  • To Allow Us to Customize Our Features According to Your Preferences
  • For Customer Service
  • For Collecting Important Data That Helps Us Understand Your Use of Auction Daily
  • To Address Any Technical Issues

Third-Party Use of Data

Except for the terms outlined in our website’s terms and conditions page and the privacy policy page, we do not share or sell any of your personal information that may be used to identify you to any third party unless and until you consent to it.

Auction Daily will only transfer the data obtained on its website to the auction houses and dealers who are verified and registered with us according to certain contracts. These third parties use the data for your benefit. They collect the data and use it when you bid on a lot. The data they have about you helps them identify you and thus allows you to bid on their products.

We are responsible for the third-party use of your personal information. Therefore, we recommend you to go through the privacy policy of third-party pages to learn more. You may also directly communicate with these third parties for any purchasing purpose. You can opt out of receiving messages from third parties or sharing your personal details with them by contacting us.

You are also free to opt out of Auction Daily’s services. The information for closing your account is available on our website.

Data Security

We are very careful about the data you share with us.

If necessary, we transfer data to other verified and authorized third parties securely by using proper encryption technologies. When we transfer any data at Auction Daily, we encrypt the transmission with standard secure socket layer technology (SSL).

When you enter your credit card information, we transfer that data using SSL to Stripe, a PCI-compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) third party. We do not see or store any information about your credit card. Every other detail except the credit card information is stored within the Auction Daily servers, which are operated by us and our affiliates.

Learn more about PCI compliance and security at

You may change the settings of your web browser to inform websites that you do not wish to be tracked. Auction Daily uses the “Do Not Track” mechanism under the California Online Protection Act (CalOPPA).

If you are a European Economic Area (EEA) resident, then you have distinct data protection rights. Auction Daily promises to follow all the required steps to allow EEA users to delete, change, and limit personal data usage.

If you wish to remove personal data, contact us.

EEA residents have the following data protection rights:

  • The Right to Access, Update or Delete Information: You are free to access, update, and delete your personal data directly from the account settings. In case you are unable to do so, you are free to contact us, and we will assist you in this matter.
  • The Right of Rectification: You may rectify any mistake or complete any incomplete information.
  • The Right to Object: You may object to the way we use your personal data.
  • The Right of Restriction: You may restrict us in our use of your personal data.
  • The Right to Data Portability: You have the right to acquire a copy of the data we have on you.
  • The Right to Withdraw Consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent of letting us use your personal data.

NOTE: We may verify your identity before we allow you to do the above-mentioned procedures if required.

You also have the right to file a complaint against us to the Data Protection Authority in regards to the way we handle your personal data. Please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA) to learn more.

Data Retention

Auction Daily will have access to your personal data as long as required, according to the privacy policy set by us. This personal data will be retained to comply with legal obligations, resolve any disputes, and enforce legal policies or agreements.

We will also retain the usage data of our users for our internal analysis. However, this data stays with us for a very short period to give you better service and secure your information.

We retain usage data for a longer time when there is a legal obligation to do so.

Data Transfer

Your personal data and other information may be transferred outside of your country. If so, the data will be under the data protection laws of that particular country.

We process the personal data of each of our users from within the United States, our country of operation.

When you submit your information to us, you automatically accept the privacy policies of Auction Daily.

Auction Daily will follow all required steps to keep your data secured according to our privacy policy. There will be no transfer of your data to any third party unless and until there are security or legal reasons for the information to be shared.

Data Disclosure

In certain cases, Auction Daily is obligated to disclose your personal data. This includes legal cases and by the instruction of local jurisdictions.

Auction Daily has the rights to disclose your personal data in the following cases:

  • When We Are Legally Obligated
  • Cases of Investigation
  • To Protect Auction Daily Against Legal Liabilities

Service Providers

We employ third-party services to collect personal data of our users to analyze the services we provide. The third parties use personal data only for us and do not disclose any information to anyone else or use it for any other purpose.


Auction Daily uses third-party providers to analyze its services.

Google Analytics

Google collects users’ data to personalize the ads for its own advertising networks. It tracks and monitors the services at Auction Daily to provide users with related ads. You may easily opt out of this service by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

Learn more about Google’s privacy terms.


Auction Daily uses remarketing services. This provides you with ads and information when you visit other websites.

Google Ads

We use Google Ads as a remarketing service.

You can opt out of Google Analytics here. 

Install the Google Analytics Opt-out browser add-on to prevent Google Analytics from collecting your data.

Learn more about Google’s privacy terms.


We also use Twitter as a remarketing service.

Opt out of Twitter’s interest-based ads here.

Learn more about Twitter’s privacy policy.


In addition, we use Facebook as a remarketing service.

Learn more about Facebook remarketing services here.

If you do not like these internet-based ads, you may opt out.

Facebook has its own self-regulatory principles regarding online behavioral advertising, which is set up by the Digital Advertising Alliance.

If you do not like this, you may opt out of Facebook and other participating companies through the Digital Advertising Alliance (USA), the Digital Advertising Alliance (Canada), the Digital Advertising Alliance (Europe), or you may change the settings on your mobile device to opt out.

Learn more about the Facebook privacy policy here.


We use third-party websites for transactions made on our website. Auction Daily does not store any card details. The payment is directly made to the seller from whom you purchase the product.

The payment processors are set by PCI-DSS managed by the PCI Security Standards Council. This is a joint council formed by popular brands like American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. The PCI-DSS secures your payment information.

The third-party payment processes we use:

Web Links on the Auction Daily Website

Our website can redirect you to third-party websites. You would be directed to these websites when you click on their links. Read the policies of these third-party websites, because we do not represent them.

Policies Regarding Children

This website is only for adults above the age of 18. If we discover a user is below the age of 18, we shall terminate the account and remove all information regarding the child from our database immediately.

Amendments in the Privacy Policy

Auction Daily shall amend its privacy policies occasionally to better serve its customers.

Any information regarding a change in Auction Daily’s privacy policy shall be sent to your account or your email address.

Registered users are requested to go over the privacy policies occasionally to stay updated with any changes.

Contact Us if you have any query regarding our privacy policies as mentioned above.