Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu
Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu

Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu

Winning Bid: $33,000

Zhang Daqian (Chinese), A Landscape Painting Given To Zhongfu:

H: 26 1/4, W: 10 7/8 in. (painting)(H: 66.68, W: 27.62 cm. (painting))
Zhang Daqian (Chinese)

A landscape painting given to Zhongfu

張大千 中孚上款山水人物鏡片

Watercolor and ink on paper, on silk backing

Sold with two accompany documents given to Zhongfu by Tsinghua Alumni Associations; with inscription, signature and three seals.

1. This work shows a vivid, elegant landscape painting by Zhang Daqian in 1952 and a dedicated gift to Huang Zhongfu. In the painting, a scholar stands under an enormous boulder, jgazing at its waterfall. The boulder is outlined with ink, and slightly dyed, possessing a rigid, precise contour. The scholar dons a delicate robe. Below him, a book boy is carrying a guqin up the mountain. 2. A list of participants in the 1980 Tsinghua Alumni Celebration, with thanks to Mr. Huang Zhongfu, as the General Director of Tsinghua University in New York, for his outstanding contribution to the arrangement of this event. 3. A Chinese couplet gifted to Huang, by Shen Liwei. All three works are from the same collector. Huang Zhongfu was a native of Shuiche Town, Mei County. His father, Huang Xiquan, was a member of the Senate of the National Assembly. After the second Sino-Japanese War, Huang Zhongfu was demobilized and served as a supervisor of the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Rehabilitation and Relief of the Executive Yuan, and then as a professor of the Department of Physical Education of Guangdong Institute of Arts and Sciences. In 1947, Huang moved to Hong Kong to work as an air freight manager for Pan Am. He then founded and managed Hency Transportation with friends until his retirement. Huang immigrated to the United States and lived in New York City since 1965, where he worked in the tourism industry and served as president of the Tsinghua University Alumni Association. He passed away in 2005 at the age of 97. $Christie’s, Hong Kong, May 2011, Lot 2626.

畫款識:壬辰七月似中孚仁兄法家正之,大千張爰大風堂作。 鈐印:張爰(白);大千鉥(朱) 清華校友會於一九八零年爲慶祝清華七十週年校慶聚會人員留念資料。其中特別鳴謝了美國紐約同學會總幹事黃中孚先生。 對聯款識:日麗萱堂成天象,春傳梅嶺入壽杯。中孚學長八秩嵩壽榮慶,旅美清華同學會、董事會、幹事會同仁敬賀。浙鄞沈立威撰並題。 鈐印:大吉祥(白);壽(朱);立武翰墨(朱) 第一件作品爲張大千畫作,作於一九五二年,落中孚上款。畫中巨石下有一高士駐足,仰望巨石飛瀑。山石以墨線勾勒,稍加皴染,堅硬的質感和精確的外輪廓,頗有北宋山水畫的意趣。高士衣紋細緻流暢,意態灑脫,山腳下還有一琴童拎琴上山。整體畫面形象生動,色彩淡雅,尤顯畫家功底。 第二件爲一九八零年清華校友慶的參與人名單,並感謝了黃中孚先生作爲清華大學紐約總幹事,爲校友們的聯繫做出了傑出貢獻。 第三件作品是中孚上款,沈立威的書法對聯。 本組三件作品均得自於同一藏家。 黃中孚系梅縣水車鎮人,其父黃錫銓曾任國會參議院議員。抗戰勝利後,黃中孚復員任行政院善後救濟總署廣東分署監察專員及廣東省文理學院體育系教授。1947年遷居香港從商,在泛美航空公司任空運部經理,後與友人創辦均輝貨運公司直至退休。1965年移民在美國紐約市定居,其間他仍在旅遊界工作,還擔任清華大學同學會會長。2005年去世,享年97歲。


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Very good, minor foxing.
Mrs. Huang in Hartford, Connecticut. By descent from her father-in-law, Huang Zhongfu, to whom it was gifted. Huang Zhongfu was a native of Shuiche Town, Meixian County, China, where his father was a prominent politician. He studied geology at Tsinghua University and developed a life-long bond with sports, representing the university in football matches across the country in the 1920’s. His skill was such that he became known as the ‘king of the ball.’ After graduating from the Department of Geology at Tsinghua Unvieristy in 1934, Zhongfu continued as a teaching assistant in physical education. His sports teaching career took him to Springfield College in Massachussets, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in physical education, and then to Southwest United University in Kunming, where he was a lecturer. During the Sino-Japanese War, he served as a sports teacher to the interpreter training class hosted by the Military Commission Field Service Corps and the director of the US Army’s guest house in China. Following the war, he was appointed to the Supervisor of the Guandong Branch of the General Administration of Rehabilitation and Relief Department of the Executive Yuan while also being promoted to the post of professor of the Department of Physcal Education of Guandong Academy of Arts and Sciences. He emigrated to Hong Kong in 1947 and to the United States in 1965, during which time he transitioned into the tourism industry and helped found Junhui Freight. He remained closely tied to the international alumni community of Tsinghua University until his death in 2005 at the age of 97. Lot 493 from our Asian Art Auction on July 26, 2020 was from Mrs. Huang and was also given to Huang Zhongfu by Zhang Daqian.

康涅狄格州Huang夫人收藏,黃中孚繫梅縣水車鎮人,其父黃錫銓過去曾任國會參議院議員。他5歲時,闔家遷居北京,1928年,黃中孚畢業於今是中學,考入清華大學地質繫。就讀大學後,中孚與體育結下不解之緣,當年便代表清華大學前往沈陽,參加在沈陽的華北區中等以上學校運動大會。1929年,黃中孚參加了華北區足球隊,任前中衛,參加全國足球區際賽。20年代後期,在華北足壇上都知道有一位與球王李惠堂齊名的足球健將,即北京清華大學足球隊的中堅分子黃中孚,當時有“南惠堂、北黃牛”的稱譽。1934年,中孚在清華大學地質繫畢業後,留校任體育助教,次年前往美國麻州春田大學專攻體育學,獲得體育學士學位。1939年往昆明,應聘西南聯大體育主任講師。抗日戰爭後期,他曾任軍委會戰地服務團主辦的翻譯人員訓練班體育教師及該團美軍駐華招待所主任。抗戰勝利後,複員往廣州任行政院善後救濟總署廣東分署監察專員及廣東省文理學院體育繫教授。1947年遷居香港從商,在泛美航空公司任空運部經理,後與友人創辦均輝貨運公司直至退休。在香港期間,曾任留美同學會會長,男青年會會長。1965年移民在美國紐約市定居,其間,他仍在旅遊界工作,還擔任清華大學同學會會長與海外同學聯絡等。1973年退休後仍居紐約市頤養天年。2005年去世,享年97歲.本公司2020年7月26號亞洲藝術拍賣 Lot493同為Huang夫人收藏,也是張大千贈於黃中孚先生.