Solo Exhibition
2018 La vie, space 55, Seoul
2017 Corporal propaganda, Amado artspace, Seoul
2015 Gaucho Malo , Seoul Olympic Museum of Art
2012 Le radeau de la Méduse, Project Space Sarubia, Seoul, Korea / No Text, Galerie Où, Marseille, France / Nicht/Nuit/Night, Galerie Metropolis, Paris
2011 Human Work, Loop, Seoul / Highwayman, Espace Kugler, Geneve, Swiss / BigShow, Toshiba House, Besançon, France / Drawing Now Paris / Salon du dessin contemporain, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
2010 From bad to worse, Galerie Metropolis, Paris / Night Landscape, College Maurice Génevoix de Decize, Parc St-léger Hors les Murs, France / Temporary States, College Le Rimorin de Dorne, Hors les murs Centre d’art contemporain de Parc St-Léger, France
2009 20th Century Boy, Lavitrine, Limoges, France / DMZ (demilitarized zone), Galerie Metropolis, Paris
2008 Polyurethane Jungle, Galerie La Jeune Création, Paris