J.M. Davis Arms & Historical Museum
330 N J M Davis Blvd, Claremore, Oklahoma
About Auction House
The J.M. Davis Arms and Historical Museum is located in Claremore, Oklahoma. The Museum houses over 20,000 firearms and firearm related items. The Davis Museum contains guns from all around the world including Kentucky rifles, a Gatling gun, black-powder guns of all types, cannons, rare Colts, Winchesters, elephant, whaling, and outlaw guns. Besides firearms, the collection contains 1,200 German beer steins, statues by John Rogers, music boxes of the late 19th century, swords, knives, Native American artifacts, household antiques, a large boot jack collection, local cattle brands, hundreds...Read More
of animal horns and trophy heads, and World War I posters.Read Less
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