Aste Bolaffi
Via Cavour, 17/F Torino, Italy 10123
+39 11-019-9101
About Auction House
The auction house was established in the early Nineties, but the connection between the name Bolaffi and the world of collecting is far older and covers more than a century of history. It is a story that begins in 1890, when a young Alberto Bolaffi Sr., who had an eye for the customs of the time and collector's tastes, transitioned from the exchange of stamps to the purchase and sale of stamps, opening a philatelic business in Turin. It was the beginning of an entrepreneurial adventure that continued seamlessly until the third millennium, with the fourth generation at the helm. Auctions were a...Read More
natural progression from that commercial philatelic business, soon expanding into the numismatic sector and then vintage posters, and quickly becoming a point of reference for the national market.
Today, almost 130 years later, Aste Bolaffi examines, advises, and sells with the same passion and attention to detail that defined it from the outset, with the addition of careful monitoring of the international market, solid expertise developed over decades of study and important sales, an eye for trends in the most varied fields of collection, and the use of the latest digital technology.Read Less
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