Hämeenkatu 30b, Tampere, Finland 33200
+358 400-621-039
About Auction House
Annmaris Auctions is one family own and runned company located in the centre of Finland, covering the markets from all over Finland. We are located in the mainstreet of Tampere, the most growing city in the Finland. Annmaris Auctions is founded 1990. Annmaris is mainly specialised on Nordic Designs, like Paavo Tynell, Alvar Aalto, Tapio Wirkkala and Oiva Toikka. Our design specialist Ilkka Takala working together with the Finlands most know specialist gives trust for buyers to have only the best they deserve. One of our biggest strenghts is our old man Jukka, which has the unlimited knowlidge ...Read More
for old Finnish and Russian articles, specially in silver and military. Annmaris has safe inhouse shipping for all lots lenght under 100cm. Shipping is with insurance and affordable priced. Annmaris charges only the real shipping costs, no additional packing fees. Payments can be done with cards or traditional wire transfers. Our english support (+358400510560 / [email protected]) is open from 10:AM to 10:PM in the finnish time, don´t hesitate to ask if you have any questions! Welcome as a customer, enjoy our auctions!Read Less
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