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  • Press Release
    Eastwood store a center of arts, crafts and history

    Gary Walts/The Post-Standard David Rudd and Debbie Goldwein, owners of Dalton's American Decorative Arts and Antiques, stand in their store, which is in a 1919 building that they restored themselves. Syracuse has an antiques gallery with a national reputation.It's Dalton's American Decorative Arts and Antiques, at 1931 James St. The shop sits on the western fringes of Eastwood. It used to be a neighborhood drug store, Galloway's.Dalton's (that's owner David Rudd's middle name) is 30 years old this year.Dave's partner in the business is his wife of 31 years, Debbie Goldwein. Debbie retired from a career in social work 20 years ago (the Salvation Army, United Way) to join her husband in a gallery that specializes in the work of Syracusan Gustav Stickley."I think we're one of only five shops in the country that specialize in good, quality pieces," Dave said the other day as we talked in the shop to a background of jazz music. "We're pretty unique, at this point. I've always wanted the stock to be the best I can have. We buy and sell all over the country, more nationally than locally."That's one of the contradictions in dealing Gustav Stickley, who ran his famous Craftsman Workshops not far away, on Burnet Avenue. The building, without its original second story, is now a plumbing supply store.The furniture maker and pioneer of the arts and crafts movement in America is less of a hero in his hometown than he is elsewhere in the country. The house where Gus lived at the end of his life, on Columbus Avenue, is vacant and neglected. It's owned by Stickley Audi Co., the firm that rescued the old Stickley factory in Fayetteville back in 1974.Gus Stickley died in 1942.Dave Rudd says he fell in love with Stickley's work, and American arts and crafts in general, back in 1978. He had attended Syracuse University and Buffalo State College and majored in sculpture and photography. Perhaps he was on his way to a career as a sculptor when he saw his first pieces of arts and crafts furniture. "I saw the furniture as sculpture," he…