Liz Catalano
Senior Writer and EditorLiz Catalano is a writer and editor for Auction Daily. She covers fine art sales, market analysis, and social issues within the auction industry. Based in Chicago, she regularly collaborates with auction houses and other clients.

Rebekah Kaufman
Senior WriterRebekah Kaufman is a 3rd generation Steiff enthusiast. She is a contributor to DOLLS, Doll News, The Steiff Club Magazine, Teddy Bear Times & Friends, and Auction Daily. Her award-winning blog, My SteiffLife, is updated weekly and focuses on vintage Steiff finds...

Jonathan Feel
Jonathan Feel is a reporter and editor for Auction Daily in Korea. He has been active in various fields such as the media, social economy, village community, and fair trade coffee industry and is writing. It is recognized that art is not far from society and the times, and that art can be a tool for the sustainability of the Earth and mankind. He hopes that good works and artists in Korea will meet with readers.
김이준수는 한국 주재 옥션데일리 필진이자 편집자이다. 언론, 사회적경제, 마을공동체, 공정무역 커피업계 등 다양한 분야에서 활동했고 글을 쓰고 있다. 예술이 사회·시대와 동떨어져 있지 않으며, 예술이 지구와 인류의 지속가능성을 위한 도구가 될 수 있음을 인식하고 있다. 한국의 좋은 작품과 아티스트를 많이 소개하고 싶다.

Joon Bae Kim
Reporter and editorJoon Bae Kim is a reporter and editor for Auction Daily in Korea. He has been reporting in various media for about 20 years in Korea. He also served as the editor-in-chief of IT Chosun. He is well versed in the IT field and is interested in the advancement of the auction market in Korea.
한국에 주재하고 있는 옥션데일리 필진이자 편집자이다. 한국에서 20년 가량 취재하고 기사를 써왔다. IT조선 편집국장을 역임했다. IT분야에 조예가 깊으며 한국에서의 경매시장 첨단화에 관심을 갖고 있다.

Ji Young Huh
Korean Art market observer & columnistJi Young Huh is a Korean Art market observer & columnist, having been working in art field since 2002.
2002년부터 미술 분야에 종사하고 있는 한국 미술시장 관찰가이자 칼럼니스트이다.

James Ardis
Senior Writer and EditorJames Ardis is a writer, editor, and content strategist focused on the auction industry. His company, James Ardis Writing, has partnered with auction houses, galleries, and many clients outside the art world. He earned his MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Mississippi...

Deepa Shrestha
Senior Writer and EditorDeepa Shrestha is a writer at Auction Daily whose favorite lots range from murals to postcards. She earned her MBA in entrepreneurship and also has a background in sociology and photography. That includes five years as a photojournalist for Thomson Reuters.

Niveditha Jain
Content WriterNiveditha is a writer for Auction Daily. Based in Pune, she has around nine years of work experience in media. She earned her Post Graduation in Print Journalism and also has a background in Psychology and English Literature.